Arc of Maui County, a local non-profit organization, providing services to the intellectually and developmentally disabled community celebrated our 70th anniversary in August.

In 1954 a group of concerned parents came together to advocate for the rights of their children to receive intellectual and developmental disabilities support and services on Maui. What started as a place for our special citizens to gather for day program actives while offering respite to families and caregivers, has evolved into the largest licensed ICF (Intermediate Care Facility) and domiciliary residential/group home provider in Maui County. Services quickly expanded to provide much needed one-on-one services within the community and families homes, adult day health programs and employment training. In 2003, Arc once again expanded with services on Molokai and in 2015 opened the island’s first licensed domiciliary group home.
On August 21st, Arc of Maui celebrated our anniversary at The Mill House located on the grounds of Maui Tropical Plantation with participants and staff. The celebration was filled with awards, performances and delicious food. While celebrating this amazing milestone, Arc of Maui’s CEO Aspen Wallwork and Arc’s Board of Directors recognized long-serving staff. “Because of our incredible dedicated employees, Arc of Maui County can celebrate this long-time achievement. As staff members, your roles are vital to the success of those we serve”, said CEO Wallwork.
Recognized for their years of service were: Antje Pater (38 years), Samuel Charles (29 years), Nancy Segundo (27 years), Paulo Sabado (25 years), Bud Daumen (22 years), Kaahaaina McGuire (21 years), and Aspen Wallwork (21 years). All of the following staff have 20 years of service: Rubie Andres, Jonathan Andres, Georgina McKinley, Patricia Boettger, Elena Andres, Sonya Walker, Yolanda Patao and Ruth Hook.
“We continue to be humbled by the strength of the incredible individuals we serve, as well as the perseverance of their families and the dedicated Arc 'ohana. I am filled with joy and gratitude to see that the advocacy and work of caring parents, including my own, has resulted in Arc providing 70 years and thousands of service hours which has helped hundreds of families in our community”, said Moana Kaho`ohanohano, Arc’s Board President
“It’s heartwarming to see where we started and where we are now. 70 years is a remarkable milestone, but our journey is far from over. I’d like to extend my thanks to all Arc of Maui employees and Board of Directors, past and present, who have contributed to our success”, said CEO Wallwork. “Looking forward to our 75th and 100th anniversary, Arc of Maui County will continue to serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and our community as best we can.”